Lately, I feel like I've literally been tuned in to everything around me. Plants that need watering, the crows patiently awaiting the ends to the bread loaf, people that want me to call them because they aren't comfortable enough to call me... Even at the store, when I sense someone is in a hurry, I have been instinctively backing up and letting them pay first.
The funny thing about that is these things are happening all the time, all around me. This last few weeks though, I am actually listening to that little voice inside telling me to grab the bread 'before' I head outside, and I'm letting others go before me in line. It feels like instinct. I'm not having to think about it. Just doing it.
I have read about what it would be like to live in a society where we are all in harmony with our surroundings, and I wonder if that is what it would be like all the time. Imagine if we were all tuned in... Knew what eachother was dealing with, or needed... We would be so different as a species if we were all plugged into one another!
Just thought I'd share this, because I find it very helpful when I have these moments of plugged-in-ness. Have a great day everyone!