Thursday, February 17, 2011

Entering a Writing contest

One would think that writing a 5000 word short story for a writing contest would be fairly simple... NOT!  Maybe it is just me, but holy manoli!  Trying to fit an entire story, with a beginning, middle, and end, also character development, an interesting plot, twists in the storyline, villains and hero's, all in one short and tiny package, is truly quite challenging...

Since I have never entered a contest before, I decided this current Writer's Digest contest would be for me.  After all, the do have a 5000 word max.  Where others charge an arm and a leg to enter and only allow 2000-4000 words. But writing this piece has not been easy.

Usually, I am the winner at the baby shower or bachelorette party who ends up with the funniest or most entertaining short story using "x" amount of words with certain keys like, "diapers, oil, store, gas, arrested, etc..."  Everyone gets a laugh, and I get to put my skills to work under the pressure of the 5 minute timer on the table.  But this, this is a whole new ball game.

I started by picking my topic, which was actually the easy part, and dove in.  Since I really get to know my characters, (they are like my own personal friends inside my head) the draw to this new addition came natural and she seems to flow right from my thoughts and onto the computer.  The more I write though, the more I wonder just how I am going to tie this bad boy up in the end.  With such a short limit on words, I keep going back to take things unnecessary, or that go into too much detail, out.  To be honest, this is great experience for me! :-)

For now, I am still working at it to get the story in perfect shape to enter the big contest...  But after all is said and done, I will post it on here (if I am allowed to do that), to give you all the result to what will probably be many rantings on the issue. I know I can do it, so I will keep working until I do!

Much love to you all for sharing my thoughts!

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