Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Lately I have been toying with the idea of self-publishing. I have a family member who is going that route, and now know miss Katie Cord, who is going that route, and I am just unsure of which way to get my work out.

If I self-publish, I can get my novel series out very soon. Waiting to find a publishing house that wants to put my work out could take a lot longer, but has other benefits. So which is best?

Either way, I have learned from an editor at Tor that new authors mostly promote their own work. At least in the beginning. No matter which way I go, I will be promoting my own novel. So does it really matter if I choose to self-publish, or go to a known publishing house?

I am really battling what to do right now. I would love to have the agent/publisher scenario. Not because I need that per say, but because if I go through others than I am adding to the economy by helping to pay their salary. That is something I feel strongly about.

If, however, it will take several years for me to find an agent and for that agent to find a publisher, then maybe that is not the best route...

Seriously all, I need some input! Please. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Well, I am finding it's very hard to sell on your own. I'm averaging a book a day currently which apparently is ABOVE the curve for the everyday self published author.

    I find that it takes a lot of self-esteem that I didn't even know I had to do this. There are so many people who look down on you. My intuition told me to do this so I am following the universe.

    Editing Lil & Bea like crazy currently. Since I have been told by several self published people that you need to be cranking out a new novel about every 3 months versus if you were working with a publishing company.

    Thankfully, my husband is doing a lot of the promoting and stuff which takes a lot of pressure off of me.

    Wishing you the best always!

