Wednesday, March 16, 2011

'Are' Disasters on the Rise?

I have been contemplating this for a while now, thinking of all the recent earth quakes, tsunamis, protests, flooding, drought, and die offs. Many people have told me they feel like the world is falling apart, and are now wondering if 2012 will really be the END.

After much study, however, I have come to the conclusion that I don't think things are actually getting worse in the world. I believe the exact opposite...

First of all, just to set people straight, the Mayan Calender that speaks of Dec. 21, 2012 isn't actually about death. It is about a rebirth, or new beginning. It is a shift from one way of living, into another. This is not a bad or fearful thing, as long as you are flexible to change. The new timeline will begin with the dawning of the humanitarian age. This is a time to celebrate. So no, I do not believe the world will end in 2012.

If you listen to the news carefully, all the places that have been hit recently have had similar things happen before. I live on a fault line, and every day am aware that we are do for a major earth quake... That does not mean that if it happens soon, it is because the world is ending.

So what has really changed?  Is it Earth? Or maybe, could it be us??

If you think about it, the only thing that is different now is that we have the world wide web, video cameras on our cell phones, and the ability to send information instantly...  It seems to me that what has changed is our awareness of these events. It is so easy to forget that Chile, for instance, got hit with a quake. Or that there are football fields of rain forest still being removed daily for cattle in our ever demanding fast food race. These things seem like they should impact us when we are told, but the fact of the matter is that rarely happens. Most of us need to see the devastation, see what is happening, in order to truly grasp and connect with the tragedy.

Maybe things are getting worse with the heating of our atmosphere and pollution, but history shows many of these events are natural.  Funny enough, our technology that so many people feel disconnects us from one another (in face to face situations), is now what is bringing us together. Our awareness; consciousness, is expanding, and these events of late are allowing us to have compassion for one another on a mass scale. These times we live in are sometimes tragic, but also so exciting and full of possibilities! :-)

Sending love tonight for all those who are in Japan, Egypt, Lybia, Haiti, Dar Fur, Australia, and to anyone who is suffering throughout the world.


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