Friday, March 11, 2011

Mouth of Fire

Tonight my family went to a great little Sushi place by our house.  My husband and I had been there before, but never with our 4 and 6 year olds. We decided that tonight would be the night for them to try something a little different...

On the menu were California and TNT rolls, also some Miso soup, Gyoza, and some Chicken Teriyaki.  The kids chowed down and by the time they were done, there was only a couple California rolls left!  The best part, was when our 4 year old decided he wanted to put his finger in the pretty green flower of Wasabi, and then shove it in his mouth.  (We had warned him it was extremely hot, and not to try it unless he thought he could handle it.) 

My husband and I waited, our own eyes watering just watching the little guy, and to our utter surprise, he loved it!  The only thing he said was, "Few, that was hot..."  His finger reached into the Wasabi several times after that, all with a smile on his face.

Realizing that my 4 year old was out 'heating' me, I added a bit more Wasabi to my own dish.  Things were okay at first, just a bit hotter.  But of course, being the typical girl who loves to chit chat, I got distracted and managed to swipe my last bite through half the flower of Wasabi. For those of you who do not know what that feels like, I will give you this...


All in all we had a great night, and we are so proud of our kiddos for passing on the corn dogs and french fries to try something new. ;-)

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