Monday, June 27, 2011

Raw Food Diets

The other day I watched the most informative documentary called Food Matters. What caught my attention about it was the classic line of 'You are what you eat..." But their twist on that concept was quite different.

First, they showed thirty years of research to suggest that eating a diet of 51% raw foods (mainly fruits, veggies, and nuts) and eating the remaining 49% cooked food, not only assisted in extreme weight loss in patients, but also in combination with super foods and high doses of Vitamin C (given through an IV) resulted in killing cancer cells. Yes, CANCER cells! What is even more amazing is that these people were terminal. The Vitamin C kills only the bad cells, not the good ones like Chemo does.

One can only guess why every Dr. doesn't use this method, but the show even covered that as well. First, very few Doctors have a degree in nutrition. They are instead taught to 'treat the symptom.' Which is done with patented drugs. So something like super high doses of vitamins wouldn't be profitable enough (since it is natural and can not be patented) enough to promote. Not to say all Doctors are pill pushers, because I know many who aren't. Oddly enough, those same MDs also push a healthy diet with lots of fresh and raw fruits and veggies. Interesting...

With all I have learned from the video, and the last three days of research to verify that those Docs and scientists knew what they were talking about, I have decided to start building an arsenal of meals that can be eaten raw. It is going to take me a while since most people cook the majority of their food, but I am determined to at least get most of our meals with that healthy 51/49 ratio. Wish me luck! :-)

I will close with this, since the show kept saying it over and over... We are what we eat! If we consume a pastry from a box, that is loaded with chemicals and additives, then what are we? Red 40, yellow 5, or blue 2? Will we become the result of constant chemical bombardment? With heart disease and cancer so high, it seems like maybe chemicals in food are not helping with all the other things that keep our bodies under attack. Our bodies have the ability to heal themselves, at least most of the time, but we have to use the proper fuel to get the mileage we want! :-)

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