Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Reading Material

Since I have my writers event next month, all of us participating now have to read through one anothers short stories or chapters and give feedback. I am finding it so fascinating to see all the other writing styles and topics. Though only some of the people have published works, I am really feeling the individuals voices come through. Whether they are experienced or not.

This also gives me insight when I read about an agent or publisher that is looking for a certain 'voice'. Whether it be a strong female lead, or youth based, it has become much easier to understand what they are requesting now that I am reading so many different works in progress.

All in all, my fellow event writers are blowing me away. So many people have talent, and I am pleasantly surprised with how well they all write. I was expecting to find people who had major storyline issues, or huge character flaws, but I have found nothing more than simple typos. Well done all! And I can't wait to hear what you all think of my chapter!

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