Thursday, April 28, 2011

Backscratches and Bedtime Woes

Why is it that every time my kids go to bed I get the following...?

"Mom, I forgot to brush my teeth..."

"But, I need a drink..."

"I can't sleep, I'm too itchy. Will you scratch my back?"

"I'm too hot..."

"I'm too cold..."

"Mom!" Whine Whine "He took my pillow!" More whining ensues...

"Can't we stay up later Mom..."

"Why do we have to go to bed now?"

"Mom, the dog just pooped in my bathroom." Crazy enough, this happens quite often. Apparently the dog thinks he's human. He will hold his poo until he is in front of the toilet. UGH! :-)

"But Mom," sniffle sniffle, "I miss you. Can you please snuggle me?" I am not one of those parents who thinks you can't snuggle your kids, but this comes after snuggling on the couch for the last hour. Hmmm

"Can't you read one more story Mom, or tell us a story?" They like stories I make up about fantastical lands and fairies.

The list could go on for days...

So what is my message here?

I can't wait until they fall asleep at night! LOL

Have a good nighty night everyone, and if you have kids, I hope they fall asleep at a decent hour. :-)

Oh yes, a reminder... To those friends of mine that read this often, please don't forget to hit the 'follow' button. That will make it easier for you to know when I write something, and also lets me know who is interested in what I am saying. Thanks guys!


  1. Wow, hectic much? :)

    Also, if you have friends who read your blog but don't have a Google Account, there's a gadget for blogs now that allows people to put in their email addresses and follow by email. You can add it to your sidebar, and then whoever submits their email address will get an email each time you post so they can come check it out! :)
