Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Character Books

One thing I absolutely love about writing is that I get to live in the world of all my characters. I have to say, it is better than reading. :-) My only problem is having so many characters I want to put on paper, and so little time for them all! Thus, I started the 'character book.'

This is actually kind of amusing, but I recently read a blog about what editors/publishers would like to see. Funny enough, one thing on the list was that we should have a notebook of characters. What they look like, personality traits, where they work, who they date, live with and where, who they are related to and where they come up in the story. After reading the blog, I reached under my desk and pulled out my character book.

I'm not sure if any of you fellow writers have done this, but it really helps to keep things clear. Especially if I change something, I just put it in the character notebook and then can follow up in the novel. This has really helped me when I did major revisions and changed appearances and relations of some of the characters. I found my mind kept seeing them the way I originally wrote about them, so I pull out the notebook occasionally to remind myself.

Now all I need is more hours in the day... :-) Then I will be able to bring more of these characters into reality. Oh the power of the pen!

1 comment:

  1. I've never done that before, but a character book is a neat idea! Thanks for sharing it!
