Saturday, May 7, 2011

Am I Conceited?

I totally don't want to sound conceited, but I had set my novel aside for a couple months while I focused on queries, a synopsis, and other projects, and when I came back to read it again I absolutely loved it! I didn't want to put it down...

It's good I suppose that I enjoyed my own manuscript. My husband agrees too. But I will admit, at first I was like, "Hun, should I be enjoying this so much? I mean, I 'did' write it after all!"

His answer was just what I needed to hear, "If you don't want to read your own story, then why would anyone else?"

Though his logic is sound, and I agree with him, I still feel a bit 'conceited' about liking my own story so much. Do any of my fellow writers feel that way? :-)

What do you think? Just 'how' much should we enjoy our own stories?


  1. Personally, I don't see anything conceited about that... I agree with your husband!

    And you should totally get this story published so I can read it... I'm curious now! ;D

  2. I'm sure working on getting it published. :-) My hope is that I get some feedback from the up and coming writer's event. A published author and other writers are going to review some of my work. That should help me in knowing my next step. That's why I'm so excited to go. July is not coming fast enough! :-)

  3. I'd be excited, too. :) I hope you get some great feedback and helpful tips!
