Friday, May 6, 2011

Technology - Good or Bad?

Being someone who is very aware of the impacts we have on the Earth, one question that constantly comes up in discussion is technology. The use of it and whether it is better for our environment or not. Quite often I find people feel that our way of life, including our use of technology, is what is causing all the problems we face today. But I don't see that as the case...

First, I have learned the most about what is happening to the Earth and how to change our lifestyles from the Internet! So, taking that into account, I can not say that technology is bad or causing the problem.

What I can say is that our way of life is. Not by using electricity or having cars, but by using them mindlessly. We can install solar panels, use rechargeable batteries, or drive Eco cars, we just have to be aware of what we are doing and how each act effects the environment around us.

Personally, I feel technology is good. It has connected us to people all around the world, and gives us a means to see media that is not mainstream. We also have the capability of paying bills online, banking online, ordering things and selling.

One thing I love is that the new android phones we got have a feature called video chat. Since my husband works late, he can call the boys on video chat and see them to tell them goodnight. They love it and it helps with the difficult hours.

So to say that all technology is bad, well... I just don't agree. As long as we remember ~

Just because we watch fishing, that does not make us a fisherman...

If we like watching sports on T.V., that does not make us an athlete...

If technology is used to keep in contact with one another, help the planet, help our fellow man, and for things that will have little impact on the environment, then it is good. If we use it as a crutch, then maybe it is time to get out and meet some people the old fashioned way. There is one thing I have learned for certain, we must be aware of what we do at all times, and we must always have balance. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Definitely. :) It's just a matter of how and how much! Something I'm learning. ;) I kinda have a tendency to spend too much time on the computer, doing this and that... LOL
