Monday, May 16, 2011

Spring Cleaning - Uh Huh...

So, I have been spending the last few days getting rid of all the stuff we don't use anymore, and cleaning those 'oh so hard to reach places' while everything is torn apart. Sadly, I am only about 2/3 done, ugh... and I already have 6 full garbage bags full of stuff to donate.

Which brings me to the question... How the heck do we accumulate so much anyway? :-p I am not one of those people who has to have to latest fashion, or buy my kids the coolest toys, in fact, I am the total opposite!

I am very aware of things I purchase, or at least, I try hard to be... Like buying things I know aren't made in a sweat shop, or buying recycled items, or things that can be reused. So for me, accumulating this much stuff in a matter of a year, is outrageous! Seriously, 6 big garbage bags. This is not including the 2 bags I donate roughly every few months. I don't like to store things, or keep them if we no longer use them.

So how is it we have gotten so much, and I still haven't gone through the entire place yet? Ugh! :-)

Well, I am back to my cleaning... But I will leave with this thought (taken from Fight Club)

The things we own, end up owning us. SO TRUE! :-)

1 comment:

  1. Have fun cleaning out... just think how good you'll feel when you're done! :)
