Monday, May 23, 2011

Blackout Days?

Today, I heard on the radio that my state is over budget by 5 billion dollars. Yikes... I have no idea if this is true, but am beginning to wonder. The clip was a man's voice, speaking about what can be done to fix this financial issue, and one suggestion was 'blackout days'.

What the heck does that mean?!

Are they seriously thinking about shutting off power to the state? Cause that is what it sounded like. Or does this mean they will close schools, government buildings, health care programs, and things like that?

Sadly, I have yet to find someone who has this answer. So far, it seems the term 'blackout' can mean many things. Which has me concerned.

This state has a lot of low income people, and our schools have suffered greatly due to budget cuts. My son is in kindergarten, and yet has to walk to school from a mile away (so I drive him). That is really far for a five year old. I understand many used to do that, back when things were a bit safer, but nowadays it is too dangerous for kids that young to be walking alone. Also, books were cut, supplies, programs, activities. Where the heck do all our tax dollars go?

I have an idea... Lets stop spending the money on war. We spend trillions of dollars on our exploits in other countries, while the citizens here suffer. I am all for protecting our nation, and helping out countries that ask for assistance, but we should also be taking care of our own as well.

I could go on for hours here... Truthfully, I just can't wait until we have a system that works. Don't know if I will ever get to see it, but one can have faith right? :-)

1 comment:

  1. Eek, that doesn't sound fun AT ALL! I don't even like when the power goes out for a few hours in a thunderstorm. A blackout day would stink!
